Monday, June 30, 2014

A classification of the diamond (Carat and Colors)

Earlier., I have introduced a classification Diamond with Clarity., Which is 1 of the 4Cs international gemological institute set up to the standard of grading diamonds and other precious stones. This will Separation using Carat and color of precious stones as well.

Weight, which is a standard to measure the weight of gemstones. This metric is compared with the standard carat weight is 0.2 grams. Homophone for the word carat (Karat) used to measure the purity of gold. The purity of gold is 99.99%, which is equivalent to 24 carats (Karat).
The origin of the word carat The seeds of the fruit of the seeds of this species karat, which will weigh on all seeds. Which in ancient times used widely. Because no clear standards to measure. Took seeds from Wangaratta. As the unit to measure the weight of gemstones.

Shades of diamond classification Can be sorted from D to Z, which is represented by the letter D is meant to be white, which sometimes most people Thailand is called "water" would be even higher diamond white and yellow color additives. Diamond is colorless (Colors) are diamond, 100, 99, 98, or diamond, D, E, F, the diamond is nearly colorless (Near Colorless) include diamond, 97, 96, 95, 94, or G, H, I. , J color diamond sample. The other color Will move on to the bright light may be represented by the letter G yellow champagne. L to chase down a dark yellow to replace the P until the letter Z to a bright yellow. And was separated into shades of diamonds.
Diamond color classification To separate white and yellow only. I separated from this will be Fancy diamond pattern. Which is as colorful and quaint out.

Because the only yellow tones because. Carbon in the diamond When heat or chemicals other elements. Be made ​​diamonds are colored differently. The yellow diamonds are deficient in estrogen may contain elements with blue titanium and alloy steel. Or red may be a chromium alloy. The pink diamond is caused by the structure of the diamond itself. The green diamond is the radiation exposure. All these processes which cause the diamonds. Colorful different. And more expensive than white diamonds. Because rare However, White diamond crystal Still more popular than diamonds. There are currently several manufacturers. To improve quality white diamonds to create fancy color diamonds are formed by processes such as conducting a burn or radiation. Causing various colors like green, yellow and blue, and so on. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A classification of the diamond (Clarity)

Hello, in last time, we were introduced to rough diamonds, and then some. To understand the origins of this most precious diamonds. Now we have come to know the diamond. In terms of features This gemstone to learn more. 

A classification of the diamond to see the pure diamond is in principle can be divided into major 4Cs, namely,. 

Identification of the purity of the diamond Can be classified according to the international standards. 

1.1 Flawless (FL) - Water is the most beautiful diamond. No marks or blemishes on the diamond surface and texture of the stone. When viewed under 10x magnification (10X). 

1.2 Internally Flawless (IF) - a top-class diamond inclusions in the diamond at all. When viewed under 10x magnification (10X). 

1.3 Very Very Slightly Included (VVS1 / VVS2) - the level of impurity in diamond is a diamond that has very little meat. Can not be seen with the naked eye. Must use a 10xmagnification and illumination can see, it takes quite a long time to find. Depending on the expertise of the examiner. Classified into Level 1 and 2, respectively, very little blame, if blame can be used VVS1 more obvious uses VVS2. 

1.4 Very Slightly Included (VS1 / VS2) - Diamond is a diamond in the unclean in the flesh cannot be seen with the naked eye. Must use a 10x magnification and illumination can see, it takes time to find one. However, it takes less than a VVSDiamond cleanliness, blame and guilt can clearly higher than the VVS and may have different colors in the flesh of the stigma that can be seen. 

1.5 Slightly Included (SI1 / SI2) - the level of stigma that can immediately visible under10x magnification camera and some cases can be seen with the naked eye. But the small size may be observed. Or use the white paper handprint and look to the light, so that's clear. In the eyes of those not expert. It will take longer to notice. 

1.6 Imperfect (I1 / I2 / I3) - a flaw that can be observed with the naked eye clearly. Which might be very I make a lot of observations 

How well do with the Clarity of a diamond in the stump, we will look at some of the other perspective for understanding diamond gemstones.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Diamond the precious of gemstone

Diamond is a form of carbon. The arrangement is octahedral face. Is the hardest mineral on the Mohs scale (Moh's scale) with a hardness of 10, but now we know the other functions, that is a diamond in the Diamond acts as an indicator of the wealth of individuals in society. More than just gems only.

Many diamonds are the most popular color is pure white. Rarer colors are red, blue, green, orange, pink, called "Fancy Diamond" which is very high. Cut into 52 square counts as the most beautiful and the diamond is a symbol of power. Rigidity Source of diamonds worldwide. Mostly found in Brazil and South Africa.

In Thailand, the word diamond comes from वज्र (Mutual Building A) in Sanskrit means thunderbolt or gemstone this. In English "diamond" is derived from the ancient Greek αδάμας (adámas), which means "complete", "irreversible", "strength", "courage" comes from ἀ-(a-) meaning. "No -" + δαμάω (damáō), "overcome", "cowardly" after the novel was adamant, diamond, diamond diamond and in the end.

In terms of mining the diamonds. By evidence Stated that the first diamonds were mined in India. By the mineral diamond that portion of the rock caused by the deposition of sediments that are water borne, for several centuries, the river Penner, Krishna and Octa Hydrotherapy also found that diamonds are known and widespread. In India at least 3,000 years.

Pacharaporn become valuable. When it is used as a religious idols in the ancient Indian kingdom also use diamond engraving tool since the beginning of human history, Diamond has been increased since the 19th century because of increased supply. Cutting and polishing techniques improved. The growth of the world economy And reform and the success of the publication, making Phet received attention from around the world. It became a symbol Of wealth in society

In the 20th century, experts in the field of Gemology developed a classification of diamond and gem types on the basis of key characteristics Valuation of Jewellery four characteristics or known as 4 C was used as the basis Indication. Diamond consists of Clarity (purity), Carat (CT Diamond weight compared to), Color (color of the diamond), and cut (pattern and cut shape) with the discovery of the largest diamond. The most beautiful diamonds Best diamond The most expensive diamond The diamonds have inclusions that are the largest in the world. We are known as "Paragon".

This is a diamond in the bibliography. The understanding of gemstones that are the most expensive in the world and has charmed people. And magical diamonds continued uninterrupted. And hope to be in possession of this precious diamond. Next time we come to the topic of the classification level of the diamond. To understand the diamond more.. bye

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Gemstones or Precious stones

     Gemstones or precious stones are a group of one type of ore means ore or rock of some kind. Organic or natural objects that are cut or carved decoration to the jewelry has beauty, durability and rarity, usually divided into two groups, namely, diamonds and gemstones, which means all kinds of gems except Diamonds. If a decoration or uncut gems are called compound derived from living things may be classified as precious stones including pearls and coral, and amber.

      Precious or precious stones A crystal that has a clean interior. It looks different to the hardness possible to cut a corner. To see the diffuse light, glittering mineral inclusions in minerals made with different colors, pure corundum. White aluminum oxide is a substance that, if such a stigma chromium alloys made of titanium steel, make the ruby ​​red color. (Ruby and Sapphire Corundum is identical But with different meats).

     Criteria for judging gems include hardness (the Moh's scale), the specific gravity. And the index of refraction

     Index of refraction A fixed value of each type of gem. Therefore decided that it's fake or not. The hardness of the mineral is affecting the price of the gemstone are tested by scratching each other (e.g. A copper coin knife, nail file, hand, makeup tests), the mineral is scratched, which is lighter than testing.

Which can be classified as follows gemstones Chartres 9.

   1. Diamond refers to a diamond white gem (Diamond).
   2. Jewell red means red ruby ​​gemstones (Ruby).
   3. Emerald green light means a green emerald gemstone (Emerald).
   4 fresh, clear, yellow topaz, topaz gemstones refers to yellow. (Sapphire Blue)
5. Vivid red garnet garnet gemstones mean crimson (Garnet).
6. Colored clouds mean black jasper gemstones, sapphire blue (sapphire) (Sapphire Blue).
7. Mukdahan haze means Juntrakarn gemstones rubies or opaque color coding is similar.
    Rainbow effect with soft color is blue (Moonstone).
8. Dim red zircon zircon gemstones mean dark red (Hyacinth) wrote that one.
    (Yellow Zircon) (which is the same kind of precious Chartres).
9. Installed chrysoberyl chrysoberyl refers to a type of gems or stones or gems there.
    Many colors such as yellow, yellow, gold, green apple, honey, brown sugar, etc..
    (Chrysoberyl-cat eye)

Monday, June 23, 2014

12 Sodiac Gemstone

        Astrological knowledge is knowledge that is universal. Paired with a man in every period. And has developed steadily since the ancient times. In order to understand the nature and far more attuned to nature it correctly.
        Precious or precious stones as a kind of human resources, known since ancient times. Utilized the most beautiful. Some use in the treatment of disease. Or use it as a talisman. Depending on faith and reason carried on to this day remains a precious jewel that continues to gain popularity unceasingly. To reflect the identity of the owner is very beautiful and charming.
        Different types of gems have different aesthetic properties and values. People like the 12 zodiacs in astrology. Are naturally not the same. The ancient knowledge, so try pairing between the 12 zodiac gems are. The principle of the consistency of the features of the zodiac, with features such as the color of the gems of precious stones with Sign in color. The meaning of the gems on the personalities of the zodiac. Or even the name of the gem that corresponds to Libra and so it became the zodiac gem (Zodiac gemstones or Astral Stones).
        However, in the classification of the gems on the Zodiac. Still not conclusive, absolute and permanent. Made in several texts Or on websites is a table showing the zodiac gem was not all the same. But it is slightly different. And in one sign Have more than one type, or zodiac gem jewelry kind one. Jewelry is more than one sign of the Zodiac was. In addition, since the ancient times to the present. The Aquarius zodiac gem was born in some changes to the knowledge and values ​​in each period. So the story of the Zodiac gems Therefore, no clear conclusions reached.
        In the present Have arranged the zodiac gem out. The prevalence is as follows.