Friday, June 27, 2014

Diamond the precious of gemstone

Diamond is a form of carbon. The arrangement is octahedral face. Is the hardest mineral on the Mohs scale (Moh's scale) with a hardness of 10, but now we know the other functions, that is a diamond in the Diamond acts as an indicator of the wealth of individuals in society. More than just gems only.

Many diamonds are the most popular color is pure white. Rarer colors are red, blue, green, orange, pink, called "Fancy Diamond" which is very high. Cut into 52 square counts as the most beautiful and the diamond is a symbol of power. Rigidity Source of diamonds worldwide. Mostly found in Brazil and South Africa.

In Thailand, the word diamond comes from वज्र (Mutual Building A) in Sanskrit means thunderbolt or gemstone this. In English "diamond" is derived from the ancient Greek αδάμας (adámas), which means "complete", "irreversible", "strength", "courage" comes from ἀ-(a-) meaning. "No -" + δαμάω (damáō), "overcome", "cowardly" after the novel was adamant, diamond, diamond diamond and in the end.

In terms of mining the diamonds. By evidence Stated that the first diamonds were mined in India. By the mineral diamond that portion of the rock caused by the deposition of sediments that are water borne, for several centuries, the river Penner, Krishna and Octa Hydrotherapy also found that diamonds are known and widespread. In India at least 3,000 years.

Pacharaporn become valuable. When it is used as a religious idols in the ancient Indian kingdom also use diamond engraving tool since the beginning of human history, Diamond has been increased since the 19th century because of increased supply. Cutting and polishing techniques improved. The growth of the world economy And reform and the success of the publication, making Phet received attention from around the world. It became a symbol Of wealth in society

In the 20th century, experts in the field of Gemology developed a classification of diamond and gem types on the basis of key characteristics Valuation of Jewellery four characteristics or known as 4 C was used as the basis Indication. Diamond consists of Clarity (purity), Carat (CT Diamond weight compared to), Color (color of the diamond), and cut (pattern and cut shape) with the discovery of the largest diamond. The most beautiful diamonds Best diamond The most expensive diamond The diamonds have inclusions that are the largest in the world. We are known as "Paragon".

This is a diamond in the bibliography. The understanding of gemstones that are the most expensive in the world and has charmed people. And magical diamonds continued uninterrupted. And hope to be in possession of this precious diamond. Next time we come to the topic of the classification level of the diamond. To understand the diamond more.. bye